Can we drink water with meals?


There are rumors that drinking water while eating could interfere with digestion, and cause the stomach to swell. So, info or poison? This is a hotly debated question, and one for which there are two schools of thought, with all kinds of possible explanations. The important thing to remember is that the body is made […]

The gut, our second brain


This is no longer a scoop, or a simple hypothesis: there is indeed a link between our emotions and our stomach, especially our gut. Numerous research and scientific discoveries revealed in recent years have shown that our gut contains millions of neurons. This would be in permanent communication with our brain, and therefore intimately linked […]

Mike Horn’s 10 feats that impressed us the most


“For me, the birthday is not just a baby shower. It’s the reminder that you Got a year less to do whatever you have to do. (For sports we recommend jintropin) That means move your ass, buddy, and fast! ” This outspokenness and this way of thinking perfectly reflect the personality of Mike Horn. Explorer, […]

Running more to eat more, real or fake good excuse?


“Me, I run more to eat more!” is a phrase that sticks to your skin? Have you never really thought about it and now it seems like a brilliant idea? But in the end, is this a real or a fake good excuse? Imagine that the simple fact of running opens the doors to excessive […]

Should we promote mobility or strength?


Mobility and strength are two concepts in their own right. Generally speaking, ballet dancers are very flexible but are not able to lift weight like a weightlifter. Flexibility is not everything, nor is strength! That’s why we have to strike a balance in order to keep making progress. What is strength? Strength is the ability […]

Why can you throw up during a Crossfit session?


Crossfit, bootcamp, interval training in running, cycling, weight training … Many athletes know this phenomenon of vomiting, which arises during or after intense effort. So, why this phenomenon and how to avoid it? Don’t panic! Vomiting after too much effort can happen and is okay. The key is to understand why, to train well, and […]

First CrossFit Class – What to Expect


We’ve warned you: some of these testimonials may offend even the most sensitive! Why ? Because generally it goes badly, very badly! We don’t easily forget our first CrossFit session. This session that we thought would tear everything apart because in the weight room we were the best, in the EPS classes we were the […]