Hyperkeratosis: what is it for and how to care for it?


Under the feet of runners, on the palms of the hands of Crossfit enthusiasts, hyperkeratosis, better known as horn, is the lot of sportsmen. How does this skin hardening occur? What is its use? And what care should be given to him? We tell you everything!

Finalization of terminology

hyperkeratosis is an accumulation of dead cells (containing keratin) that thicken the skin.

The horn appears following repeated rubbing and movements… We can better understand why athletes are affected! Namely that callus and callus also refer to these hardening of the skin.

The horn , on the other hand, is a rounded bump often located on the toes. This inverted cone forms a point that moves from the inside to the outside of the skin, and can sometimes be painful. The discomfort is similar to what you may experience when a stone is in your shoe.

Finally, the crevice , as its name suggests, is a phenomenon of cracking skin. The crevices are usually located under the heels.

The horn, unsightly … But useful!

Let’s be honest, the horn, with its rough and yellowish appearance, is not the most aesthetic. But as the proverbs say: “do not be fooled by appearances”, or “clothes do not make the monk”, this skin hardening phenomenon has other things to hide. And for good reason, if the horn forms, there is a good reason for it: the protection of our skin . The latter, then benefiting from a shell where it is most often used, is protected from heating, friction, even blisters (read our article how to treat blisters on the feet).

But be careful not to let it settle in abundance! Indeed, the proliferating horn can become annoying … And we will explain how to fix it right away!

Care for hyperkeratosis

Foot care *:

– As the feet of people with diabetes are more prone to complications, we advise them to act with the approval of a healthcare professional.

– Foot baths are great for cleansing. Immerse your feet in lukewarm water for fifteen minutes. You can even add a few tablespoons of baking soda , or a few drops of essential oil . Once your foot bath is done, use a rasp or pumice stone to gently remove, and without rubbing too much, the horn.

– Moisturizing your feet is also essential, just like the rest of your body. Let’s not forget that our feet, even if not especially because they are locked in our shoes all day long, deserve to be taken care of! Little tip: hydrating masks . To do this, take a good dose of moisturizer, apply it on your feet, massage for a few seconds, then put on your socks. Sweet feet!

– To prevent excess hyperkeratosis, use talcum powder and / or anti-friction cream before putting on your athletic shoes. (Recommended for athletes proviron kaufen) Also, check that they are the right size for you, that is to say, one size larger than yours!

– Finally, we advise you to consult a chiropodist once a year. This one will offer a second youth to your feet with its professional instruments: electric rasp, scalpel, and other tools to handle with expertise.

Hand care:

After the shower, once your hands are well moistened and the horn soft, rub gently with your pumice stone , then moisturize generously.

To limit the dry appearance of your skin, favor lukewarm water rather than hot water, moisturize your hands as soon as you feel the need, and avoid direct contact with chemicals by protecting them with a pair of gloves.

You now know all about hyperkeratosis. No longer hide your athletic feet and hands, be proud of them, and above all, take care of them. After all, if you play your favorite sport, it’s thanks to them!

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