Why overeating promotes premature aging?


A Christmas meal and presto, we take 2 more years? No, that’s not really how it works … However, the way we eat, and the foods we eat, can have a big impact on the aging of our bodies. A battle between free radicals and antioxidants The mechanism set in motion by the body to […]

Why do some people eat a lot and not gain weight?


You are trying to control your brain to follow your diet to the letter. It’s already the third (or sixtieth) method you use and you don’t lose a gram. At this moment you wonder why the world is so unfair, some are thin and others are overweight. First of all, let’s start by remembering our […]

Equal in sport? Are women weaker than men?


It’s undeniable: unlike many sports, CrossFit has been able to highlight female performance just like that of men. However, the beginner quickly discovers during his practice that expectations often differ between the sexes . Thus, the standard weights adapt whether you are a man or a woman: on the same workout, the man will be […]

Can we drink water with meals?


There are rumors that drinking water while eating could interfere with digestion, and cause the stomach to swell. So, info or poison? This is a hotly debated question, and one for which there are two schools of thought, with all kinds of possible explanations. The important thing to remember is that the body is made […]