Why do some people eat a lot and not gain weight?


You are trying to control your brain to follow your diet to the letter. It’s already the third (or sixtieth) method you use and you don’t lose a gram. At this moment you wonder why the world is so unfair, some are thin and others are overweight.

First of all, let’s start by remembering our very first dealings with food. It started with this innate need for sucking that our mother filled us by bringing us with each cry lukewarm milk that flowed smoothly into our oral cavity. We have grown and our hereditary and behavioral baggage has also expanded. “You will not be able to leave the table until you have finished your plate” or so “How come you don’t like it, in life you have to learn to eat everything! ” Have you ever heard these phrases when you were little (and even tall)? Certainly. And this is where nutritional paradigms kick in and we stop following our primary cravings and following those of others.

Our body has a memory that has been passed on to us by our family

Beyond physically resembling our parents, some of our behaviors are part of our lineage. We reproduce what we have seen do and also what our family has transmitted to us genetically (example: transmission of stress genes caused by trauma). This explains why some people act like their parents and also why others are born with the fear of running out of food.

Weight gain and stress: two closely related factors!

Eating a diet is good, but above all you have to understand why we sometimes eat more than we need . When we do not meet the nutritional needs demanded by our cells, this creates an imbalance and being overweight is the way for us and our cells to find this balance which has been turned upside down, consciously or not.


Some obese people eat very little and are overweight because there is overweight (imbalance between calorie consumption and energy expenditure). They do not dispose of properly and are “swollen” because they store for protection. We turn to nature to understand this notion. Concretely, we could compare this overload problem to diodon fish which swell to protect themselves from their aggressors . The same goes for humans who store fat, mainly on the stomach, to form a psychological protective shield.

Towards a change in behavior for a sustainable weight balance

Behavioral nutrition is defined as losing weight through behavior change. Indeed, our brain does not differentiate between the danger of death and stress. Both are located in the primary region of the brain. When we find ourselves in a stressful situation we have three options: Run away, fight or submit. And that’s when food plays its role of “savior” by providing us with comfort. People who choose to escape may become anorexic, those who struggle may be overweight, and submissive people may be bulimic.

The concept of emotional hunger

We must learn to differentiate real hunger from emotional hunger. Real hunger is a primary necessity, it is written in the genes of all individuals. It is an innate regulation. Emotional hunger is hidden behind stress (unconscious or not). We want something and we do it differently.

How to control your emotional hunger?

Have you ever seen obese animals in the wild? As much as we do, they have an unconscious and automatic regulation of hunger, they don’t count their calories. The regulation of hunger is innate, you have to reconnect with your instinct in order to lose weight. You must relearn how to eat with confidence in your natural ability and to manage your emotions in times of crisis. Myths like eating a lot in the morning and not eating a lot at night are just models for thinking. Simply eat when you are real hungry. Once all these notions have been consolidated, you can start to do a cure with our Slimming Pack. This will give you unfailing support in your nutritional balance.

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