Should you lose weight to run faster?


Running is well-known to be one of the most calorie-burning activities, maybe even elsewhere for that you started running. Still, you are now in a perspective of progress: initially, running made you lose weight, of course, but you now want to lose weight to run faster. Is this idea legitimate? We have looked into the issue.

A trainer once said to me, “Do you agree that you will run faster without a backpack? Yes ? Well, for running, it’s the same thing, if you lighten a few kilos, you will go faster ”. Until then, this reasoning must seem very logical to you, since he is. But while it is crystal clear and easy to understand, it is more complex to apply. How to lose weight? How much weight does it take to lose weight to see convincing results? So many questions to which you must try to find answers before you want to lose weight at all costs. Because if losing weight is possible, it should precisely and certainly not be at all costs.

“Do I need to lose weight?”

Before you arbitrarily (and not very objectively too) judge your body and decide that you MUST lose weight, you can first start by using a simple and accessible tool: calculating your BMI . To find out your body mass index, simply divide your weight by your height (in meters) squared. In other words, this calculation allows you to see if your weight is suitable for your height. Namely, a person with a BMI below 18.5 is considered to be too skinny. The “normal” being between 18.5 and 25. Beyond that, we speak of overweight.

But beware, this formula has limitations, however since it does not take into consideration the person’s gender, age, muscle and bone mass. This calculation is therefore an indicator that you cannot completely trust. The best thing to do is to consult a health specialist to find out whether or not you really need to lose weight, first for your health, before you can consider losing weight and possibly running faster.

If your doctor confirms that your desire to lose weight is legitimate, you can meet with a nutritionist who will study your diet and will then advise you on how to adapt it for fat loss and weight loss. muscle gain (which doesn’t always mean weight loss, as muscle weighs more than fat).

Listening to your body

If you are just starting out on the hunt for extra pounds (and provided you need it), it shouldn’t be to the detriment of your health, however. To do this, listen carefully to the warning signals your body may give you. On the front line: excessive and abnormal fatigue , an absence of strength in training, the inability to maintain a distance and / or an intensity at which you could usually run, low resistance cold , etc. Whatever these signs are, don’t be indifferent to them.

Being indulgent with yourself is also essential. We do not all have the same body type, we do not all gain fat in the same places. Also, wanting to lose weight to run faster does not mean, for example, to banish all of your abdominal fat. Far from there. The latter is a source of energy! Moreover, and for our greatest joy, we are free to speak on this subject: many of its top athletes emphasize the importance of self-acceptance and the nonsense of wanting to conform to the stereotypical image of the runner Ultra skinny bottom. And we must admit, such a speech DOES GOOD to the heart and the body!

Losing a few pounds, as long as they are superfluous, will indeed allow you to run faster. (Recommended for athletes genotropin) No need to follow a draconian and frustrating diet, it’s all about finding your balance between healthy eating, good slimming supplements and healthy sport, without favoring one at the expense of the other. Let’s not forget that eating and running should be fun!

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