The gut, our second brain


This is no longer a scoop, or a simple hypothesis: there is indeed a link between our emotions and our stomach, especially our gut.

Numerous research and scientific discoveries revealed in recent years have shown that our gut contains millions of neurons. This would be in permanent communication with our brain, and therefore intimately linked to our nervous system. Expressions such as “having fear in your stomach”, “your stomach in knots”, “having bile”, “digesting information” or even “gutting” take on their full meaning!

The intestinal microbiota

Also called “intestinal flora”, our gut microbiota is actually a collection of bacteria, yeasts, parasites and non-pathogenic fungi, located in our intestine. Even if their names are frightening, these millions of microorganisms are essential for the proper functioning of the human body. They play an important role in digestion, of course, but not only. The scientific community has realized that our intestinal flora may have a close connection with our metabolic, immune and also neurological functions.

An imbalance in our microbiota could cause certain negative reactions to our behavior and our emotions.

Neurons in the gut …

Experts say our digestive tract is lined with nearly 200 million neurons! As we know, neurons are responsible for transmitting information to our brain … So if such a network of nerves has been created at this precise location, it is because communication between the belly and the brain is essential and that it should not be underestimated, on the contrary.

… for belly / brain communication

Have you ever noticed that in times of stress or anxiety, your bowel movements can change? Who has never had stomach pain before an exam or interview? Or “butterflies in the belly” after a date or at the evocation of a memory?

This is proof that our emotions are directly linked to our gut, because the brain is constantly sending it messages.

“Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, sometimes also called the ‘serenity hormone,’ which regulates a wide range of functions such as mood and behavior. 95% of serotonin is produced in the intestine ”

Psychic disorders linked to an imbalance of the intestinal microbiota?

Researchers are increasingly looking into the link between mental disorders or neurodegenerative diseases and the gut. Like Parkinson’s disease, for example, which attacks neurons. Researchers have noticed that many patients presented digestive disorders, such as constipation, before triggering a neurological or motor disorder … A line of research that continues to be studied, because it could well lead to the establishment of new medical examinations, making it possible to diagnose the disease more quickly!

Numerous studies are in progress, to deepen the subject, and to elucidate a little more the mystery of the link established between our brain and our intestines.

You have the opportunity to learn more about this fascinating and intriguing subject from certain books, such as ” The Discreet Charm of the Intestine. Everything about an unloved organ… ”by Giulia Enders or“ The intestine our second brain ”, by Professor Francisca Joly Gomez.

It should be remembered here that digestive problems, or those related to the stomach, are often not trivial. This is a way the body has to let us know that there may be more than just a little digestion problem. So, it is important to listen to yourself, and take care of your gut!

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